Certified True Copy of Birth Certificate from Local Civil Registrar’s Office (Photocopy)
Please bring original for verification*
*State the age bracket for regular baptism
For Communal Baptism:
Every Sunday – 11:00 AM
For Solo Baptism:
Tuesday to Saturday – Any time depending on the parishioner’s preference; Must be aligned with the schedule of the Parish
*12 years old and above
Must undergo a series of Formation/Catechesis
How to set a schedule:
Step 1: The requirements must be submitted to the Parish Office at least three days*, one week* before the Baptism day.
Step 2: A baptism form must be filled-out with the necessary information.
Parents and Sponsors are required to attend the Seminar prior to the Child’s Baptism (No Seminar, No Baptism)
Waiver for No Birth Certificate
Waiver for Latecomers
Dress Code
Baptismal Certificate (availability and fee)
Valid Baptismal Certificate with annotation: “FOR CONFIRMATION PURPOSE” (Photocopy)
Confirmand must be:
12 years and above
Already received the sacraments of baptism and first communion
To be announced by the Parish
How to set a schedule:
Step 1: The requirements must be submitted to the Parish Office at least one month* before the Confirmation day.
Step 2: A Confirmation Registration must be filled-out with the necessary information.
Confirmands, Parents and Sponsors are required to attend the Seminar (No Seminar, No Confirmation)
Dress Code
Confirmation Certificate (availability and fee)
Newly Issued (1) original copy of the Baptismal and Confirmation Certificates of the Bride and Groom from the Parish Church where they were baptized and/or confirmed, with the annotation “FOR MARRIAGE PURPOSES” shall be submitted at least 2 weeks before the Canonical Interview.
The couple should apply the Marriage License from the Civil Registry of Marriage of the City or Town of either the Bride or Groom. If civilly married, (1) original copy of the Marriage Contract from the National Statistics Office is to be submitted at least 2 weeks before the Canonical Interview.
The Bride and Groom shall undergo the Canonical Interview after the Pre-Marriage Seminar at least one month before the Wedding Date.
The Ecclesiastical Banns (Announcement of Marriage) shall be published in the parishes of the Bride and Groom for three consecutive Sundays. The request for the aforesaid publication will be given after the Canonical Interview (MF 8).
The couple who does not belong to this parish has to acquire a written permission from their pastors so that the Canonical Interview and the celebration of the Sacrament of Marriage may be legitimately done here. The appropriate from will be provided by the Parish Office (MF 14).
The list of the Names and Addresses of Principal Sponsors (Ninongs and Ninangs) must be submitted during the day of the Canonical Interview. Minimum of one (1) pair and a maximum of six (6) pairs are allowed.
A widower or a widow must present the Death Certificate of his/her deceased partner.
Those whose marriage has been declared null and void must present the decree of the Declaration of the Nullity of Marriage released by the competent ecclesiastical Matrimonial Tribunal. The decree should be accompanied by a certificate from its Diocesan Chancery attesting the authenticity of the ecclesiastical decree.
A military who intends to marry must claim a clearance from the base military authorities, specifically from the Immediate Commanding Officer.
Schedule of Weddings
Every Tuesday to Saturday:
· Morning – 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM
· Afternoon – 2:00 PM & 3:30 PM
How to set a schedule:
Step 1: The requirements must be submitted to the Parish Office
Step 2: Wedding form will be provided which requires to be filled-out with necessary information
Step 3: Look for the staff in charge of the Wedding Rites
Funeral Mass
Certified True Copy of Death Certificate from Local Civil Registrar’s Office (Photocopy)
Please bring original for verification*
If available: Swab Test Result (Photocopy)
If the deceased was cremated: Cremation Certificate (Photocopy)
Every Tuesday to Sunday
1:00 PM (Fixed schedule; Ceremony MUST ONLY be done inside the church
NOTE: 10 persons are allowed for each deceased to attend the celebration inside the church
How to set a schedule:
Step 1: The requirements must be submitted to the Parish Office at least three days*, one week* before the Funeral
Step 2: Funeral form will be provided which requires to be filled-out with the necessary information
Funeral Blessing
NOTE: Funeral Blessing ceremony is ONLY intended for the following:
Deceased individuals who underwent cremation
Death due to Stillbirth/Miscarriage
Certified True Copy of Death Certificate from Local Civil Registrar’s Office (Photocopy)
Please bring original for verification*
Cremation Certificate (Photocopy)
Every Tuesday to Sunday – 12:30 PM
(No fixed Schedule; Subject to the availability of the Priest)
NOTE: The celebration will be done at the Sacristy of the Church